Why I Never Worry About Using My Cell Phone

I’ve been concerned about the effects of cell phones for a long time. That’s because your cell phone is constantly sending and receiving radio waves, which sit right next to microwaves on the electromagnetic spectrum. Microwaves are just a bit higher frequency – shorter and faster.
And Austrian scientists found that those radio waves are probably not the best thing for you. They found that RF signals from mobile phones can lead to stress at a cellular level.

Do Cell Phones Cause Brain Tumors

Did you know your cell phone emits electro-magnetic radiation?
What’s more, when you’re on your phone; these electro-magnetic waves penetrate into your head and brain. Even when you’re not using it, your cell phone sends electro-magnetic waves into your body.
This is something entirely new to the human race, and may be a threat to our health.
Here’s the problem: Your body has its own electro-magnetic field. And the waves from your phone interfere with this field.

Would You Put Your Head in a Microwave?

Your cell phone cooks your head in the same way your microwave heats up leftover meatloaf.
In fact, there’s new research that shows just how much your head is being cooked.
One study German researchers found:
Using your cell phone for just 4 minutes heats up the side of your head by as much as 7 degrees.1
If the numbers are right, it’s scary. And I’m not the only one who thinks so. Many other doctors and researchers have concerns, too..

Cell Phone Safety List

When I was hiking through the Andes, I saw people chatting on their cell phones. In Kerala, India, I saw fishermen call into shore their boats to negotiate a price for the day’s catch. They even send pictures!
Cell phones are ubiquitous. Especially in the third world, they give people that wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford it access to the internet. And in that way, the cell phone is one of the greatest inventions of our time.
But I’m conflicted about the health consequence.