Look and Feel Like a Teenager Again

When I was in med school 25 years ago, a small group of researchers were quietly laying the groundwork for a breakthrough that, at the time, sounded like science fiction.
Today it’s reality. People like you are keeping the power of youth into old age. I’ve seen it first hand.
Being one of the first board certified doctors in anti-aging medicine, I’ve had a front row seat for this remarkable discovery. The breakthrough I’m talking about is a brand new form of CoQ10 called Accel. It’s helping my patients make unbelievable gains…

The One Nutrient I Take Every Day

When I was in med school 25 years ago, a small group of researchers were quietly laying the groundwork for a breakthrough that, at the time, sounded like science fiction.
Today it’s reality. People like you are keeping the power of youth into old age. I’ve seen it first hand.
Being one of the first board certified doctors in anti-aging medicine, I’ve had a front row seat for this remarkable discovery. The breakthrough I’m talking about is a brand new form of CoQ10 called Accel. It’s helping my patients make unbelievable gains…

What's Wrong With Your CoQ10?

There may be a big problem with your CoQ10.
When you take your CoQ10, you should feel more energy, greater endurance, and quicker, clearer thinking. These benefits are well established.1,2,3
Yet, patients tell me they don’t feel any different with CoQ10. And when they show me their bottle, I immediately know why.
Most of the CoQ10 they’re taking never makes it to their cells, where it can do the most good.
In fact, most people over 50 have a hard time converting CoQ10 into its usable form. The lion’s share of valuable CoQ10 disappears – making it impossible to give your cells the protection and nourishment they need.
Today, I have a way for you to solve this problem.

When I Saw This Video, My Jaw Dropped

I’ve seen a video of mice the equivalent of 80-year-old humans running around like teenagers.
I wish you could have seen it… the video was jaw-dropping.
So, how did these “mice seniors” look and run like teens? They were given a new form of CoQ10.
The controls who received no CoQ10 were unresponsive and immobile. They had spinal and limb deformities, lesions in and around the eye, and discolored coats. Overall, they looked like dried-up corpses.
Remarkably, the mice who took the new CoQ10 looked responsive and energetic. They had no physical deformities, no lesions, and had bright, glossy coats. All of this in spite of the fact that they were actually very old – the equivalent of humans in their 80s…

My Migraine Disappeared in Minutes

If you or a loved one suffers from migraines, you know the side effects can be brutal.
They include nausea, vomiting, ulcers, seizures, dizziness, and extreme sensitivity to light.
You may be tempted to pop a pill and sleep the pain away in a dark room.
The most common pain relievers include, aspirin, naproxen, and ibuprofen.
But prolonged use of these pain relievers can actually make the pain worse…

A New Form of This Miracle Nutrient Is 8 Times More Powerful…

CoQ10 has made the mainstream. You can find it everywhere.
But the type of CoQ10 I want to tell you about has been completely ignored.
That’s too bad, because this new form is 8 times better at getting into your blood and staying there. And that’s where it has its miracle-like anti-aging effects.
This new form of CoQ10 may give you the opportunity to live disease-free for the rest of your life.
Today, I’ll show you how this new “reduced” form of CoQ10 gives you greater power to prevent and reverse disease. You’ll also discover that it ramps up your energy levels and slows your aging process down by a remarkable 51 percent…

His Blood Levels Quadrupled

Have you heard this yet?
There’s a “reduced” form of CoQ10 that your bloodstream can absorb much more easily. This is great news for your heart.
It’s known as ubiquinol.
If you’re taking the old form of CoQ10, you may not be getting the support your heart needs. And you may be missing out on the energy, vitality, and optimism my patients already enjoy.
Let me explain…

Are Your Muscles Shrinking?

You don’t set out to become frail and weak in your old age. But a study I’m looking at right now suggests that’s exactly what will happen to you.
This study shows that oxidative stress is causing your muscles to waste away.1
Oxidative stress is when you have too many damaged molecules, called “free radicals,” in your body. They attack your healthy cells…

History Lesson for Vegetarians

Our ancient ancestors ate meat. They prized it above all else.
I find a sort of evidence for this myself when I travel to areas of the world where men and women are still living in nature, unaffected by the western world.
I’ll be traveling back to the Amazon jungles of Peru this summer to live among the native Ashanikas, and I’ll tell you all about it. Not only do they eat meat, but they’re doing much better than the natives who have switched to a western-style diet.
This has probably been our history for millions of years. Vegetarians like to think otherwise, but a recent discovery may prove them wrong…

The One Nutrient I Take Every Day…

When I was in med school 25 years ago, a small group of researchers were quietly laying the groundwork for a breakthrough that, at the time, sounded like science fiction.
Today it’s reality. People like you are keeping the power of youth into old age. I’ve seen it first hand.
Being one of the first board certified doctors in anti-aging medicine, I’ve had a front row seat for this remarkable discovery. The breakthrough I’m talking about is a brand new form of CoQ10 called Accel. It’s helping my patients make unbelievable gains…

Two Things You Need to Be Beautiful – CoQ10

Your skin needs two things to be beautiful:
1. Water, and…
2. Good nutrition
But there’s a problem. As you age, your skin loses the ability to hold water and take in nutrients. That leads to dry, sagging skin.
Here’s the good news:
You simply need an effective way to keep water in your cells and get more of the nutrients you need.
Here at my clinic, I use a rejuvenating formula that restores youthful skin, without the chemicals that pollute your skin.
Here’s how it works:

How I Get My Energy

Today I want to tell you about something I use to get my energy.
You can use this yourself to get energized without caffeine, herbs, or sugar.
This energy boost helps me focus and stay alert… and I don’t get tired as much.
I give it to my patients when they want more energy.
They say they “jump out of bed” in the morning instead of feeling stiff and cranky. They call it their best source of energy. And they stock up on it just in case we run out…

CoQ10 – I Knew I Was on to Something…

I knew I was on to something important. My patients were already telling me, “This stuff is amazing…” and now I have the scientific evidence I was looking for.
It’s going to change the way you think about “vitality” forever.
A new study has shown that you can take a simple action to double your level of energy.
My patients are already doing it.
What does this mean?
It means you get more power, energy and endurance. It improves your mood and makes you feel more positive – more optimistic about life.

This Can Affect More Than Just Your Heart…

Most of the heart patients I see for the first time already know high blood pressure can mean disaster for their heart health.
But here’s what they don’t know.
Having high blood pressure can also wreak havoc on your brain, kidneys, and eyes.
Here’s the scary part…
High blood pressure can quietly damage these vital organs for years before you see any symptoms. If left unchecked, this silent killer can leave you with a disability. Or worse, it can lead to a heart attack or stroke…

How to Use CoQ10…

You know that I don’t often tell you to take supplements when you can find it in food. But there is one supplement I recommend to all of my patients and take myself every day.
It is Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10).
CoQ10 puts cancer into remission and is such a powerful heart cure, it reverses heart disease. It acts like a generator for every organ in your body. It increases energy so they function at their best.
CoQ10 is key to the protection of your body’s cells. It’s just like the key you use to lock your front door, keeping you safe and secure. Without enough CoQ10, your cells become weak and open to attack.
Now, CoQ10 is proven to fight what I believe is the root cause of all disease: inflammation…

Natural Remedies Beat the Flu

Flu season hit us this year with a vengeance. With the swine flu (H1N1), it’s an epidemic.
And it’s not over yet. Moms are in a panic, waiting for a cough or fever that signals the start of a serious, contagious disease. It’s not entirely unreasonable to worry, because the flu results in approximately 30,000 deaths a year.1
But there is something you can do about it. Prevention is as close as your cupboard…

The Awful Truth About CoQ10

There may be a big problem with your CoQ10.
When you take your CoQ10, you should feel more energy, greater endurance, and quicker, clearer thinking. These benefits are well established.1,2,3
Yet, patients tell me they don’t feel any different with CoQ10. And when they show me their bottle, I immediately know why…

Most Doctors Make This Mistake…

When I see patients here at my clinic, there’s one thing I recommend more than anything else. And it’s not a drug.
It’s so critical to health and longevity, just about everyone I see needs at least 50 mg a day.
I take it myself everyday… without fail.
This nutrient is essential if you:
* Are concerned about the pumping power of your heart…
* Want to support your brain and ensure a continuous supply of energy…
* Are having those “senior moments”…
* Worry about feeling blue…
* Want to support a strong immune system…
Know you don’t have the energy you used to and need an extra boost to keep going…