Built To Beat Cancer

The problem of cancer is not with our bodies. It’s that the world we were designed to live in over millions of years has changed recently. Our bodies haven’t adapted …

Will We Still Have Babies?

I was just reading the journal Human Reproduction. A Danish study found that if a woman who’s pregnant with a son takes just one 500 mg acetaminophen pill during her second trimester he’s twice as likely to have fertility problems.
It gets worse. If she takes more than one type of painkiller, the risk goes up 1,600 percent.1
The reason is that painkillers, considered “mild” and “safe” by most doctors, suppress testosterone. And not just a little. They drive it down more than the 10 most “gender-bending” chemicals called estrogen mimics that women are exposed to normally – like BPA and plastic-hardening phthalates – combined.

Too Young for Puberty

In today’s Doctor’s House Call, I’m going to tell you how to combat one of the most dangerous threats to your health today.
Estrogen is found in the hormone-laden meat you get at the grocery store. It’s found in plastic, too. Every time you take a sip from your water bottle or heat up a frozen dinner, you’re ingesting harmful chemicals that create synthetic estrogen in your body.
This can cause you to have too much estrogen. Why is that a problem?

Sidestep This Invisible Menace That’s Making Us Fat

Conventional “diet wisdom” has been bad enough. But now there’s a new category of chemicals that’s building even fatter thighs, butts, and bellies.
I call them “obesogens.”
These invisible toxins are getting into your food and making you fat. And unless you take action, it won’t just tip the scales. You could wind up sick and diseased, too.
I’m talking about endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in your food and water.
These chemicals, which have a structure that closely resembles the hormone estrogen, go from your food into your bloodstream, where they send out the “fat command” to the cells in your body.
The bad news is that your body can’t tell the difference between these estrogen mimics and the real thing. As far as your body is concerned, these chemicals that look like estrogen are estrogen.
And whether you’re a man or a woman, too much estrogen makes you fat, slow, tired, and diseased…

Putting Myself in a Woman's Shoes

I just read a new study that proves how dangerous those drugs that are labeled “HRT” are.
I call them drugs because they’re not real hormones. Hormones have to be made in your body, and these are synthetically created.
I can’t help but get mad at this. I’m so tired of women being in this unnecessary danger.
As you read this, millions of women are still getting estrogen. If you’ve ever been to your doctor for help with menopause, you know what I’m talking about…

Why Are Guys Getting Boob Jobs?

Now here’s a disturbing trend. Men are now getting “breast reduction” surgery like never before. The number of surgeries has risen 2,540% in 5 years.1
Even worse, doctors often recommend surgery when it isn’t necessary.
Men usually don’t need breast reduction… they need estrogen reduction.
Here’s the reason:
The female hormone estrogen is behind the rise in man boobs…