Under The Pink Ribbons

You might think that because breast cancer awareness and fundraising have risen drastically that we’re making real progress against breast cancer. Yet the World Health Organization finds that from 2008 …

How You Like Dem Apples?

Have you heard of these? A Canadian company in British Columbia (the province just north of Washington state) has created a genetically modified apple that doesn’t brown. It’s up for …

Do You Know What Doctors Are Reading?

I like to keep up on the latest news in my field.
The other day, I picked up my copy of Family Practice News, and I couldn’t believe what I saw: three articles side by side on the front page – all addressing the same thing: three different drugs … and three different deadly side effects not reported at the time that the FDA approved these drugs. And all three are still on the market.
The first story that caught my eye was about the diabetes drug Avandia. This drug is still on the market, even though it’s been proven to have caused over 83,000 heart attacks and 304 deaths.1,2

100,000 Prescription Deaths and Counting…

Last year, over half a million Americans were hurt by prescription drugs. And 100,000 of them died.
How did that happen? If some prescription drugs are that dangerous, how are they getting approved?
The answer is not simple. There are good people involved in the process. But the incentive in the system has become distorted.
Here’s how it happened…

They're Not Giving It To You…

I was doing research on the heart recently when I came across a report published by a cardiovascular clinic. They found that Americans are now so deficient in vitamin D we’re suffering in a way I’m not even allowed to tell you about here.1
Meanwhile, the modern health industry insists you stay out of the sun even though sunlight is nature’s way of creating vitamin D in your body. They claim modern farming is growing nutritious crops even though crops from big farms have far fewer nutrients than we used to get in our produce…

83,000 Heart Attacks Are Not Enough?

An FDA panel has just ruled that the diabetes drug Avandia should remain on the market.
This despite the fact that it’s been linked to 83,000 heart attacks and 304 deaths.1,2
Well… that sounds like great news for GlaxoSmithKline, who makes the drug. But I don’t think anyone should ever take any drugs like this. Here’s why…

Do Cell Phones Cause Brain Tumors

Did you know your cell phone emits electro-magnetic radiation?
What’s more, when you’re on your phone; these electro-magnetic waves penetrate into your head and brain. Even when you’re not using it, your cell phone sends electro-magnetic waves into your body.
This is something entirely new to the human race, and may be a threat to our health.
Here’s the problem: Your body has its own electro-magnetic field. And the waves from your phone interfere with this field.

Will You Lose Your Right to Choose Your Food?

What if someone told you, “There is no absolute right to consume or feed children any particular food.”1
Or that you have “… no generalized right to bodily and physical health.”2
What would you say? What would you do?
I didn’t get this out of a George Orwell science fiction novel.
These are quotes from our government.
This was the FDA’s response when consumers and farmers from six different states filed a lawsuit to reverse the ban on selling raw milk between states…

FDA Targets Harvard Doctor

The assault by the FDA on your supplements has turned into an all out war.
In a letter both the FDA and FTC, Dr. Andrew Weil was threatened with criminal prosecution.
I’m not making this stuff up. Look at what the letter actually said:
“If your firm fails to take corrective action immediately, FDA may take enforcement action, such as seizure or injunction for violations of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act without further notice.”
What did Dr. Weil do to risk “possible criminal prosecution for violations of the FFDC Act”?…

Are You Eating a Gasoline Additive?

I don’t mind telling you… I hate soy. I loathe it.
Soy sucks nutrients right out of your bloodstream. It can turn a man into a woman. Soy is one of the worst crops for the environment. It destroys the soil and wrecks our ecosystem.
And now, here’s another reason to hate it even more.
Natural-food manufacturers are using a toxic chemical called hexane to process the soy in their products.1
This is the same substance that makes gasoline explode. It’s the stuff in glue that gets you high. Hexane fumes go straight to your brain and cause damage almost immediately.
Some of these foods are probably in your kitchen cupboard right now. And you probably thought they were good for you because they say “Natural” on the label.
Here’s how it’s happening…